TSRJC CET & TSRDC CET Exams 2015 Hall Tickets Download or Telangana State RJC CET 2015 Hall Ticket and Telangana State RDC CET 2015 Hall Tickets available below.
Telangana State Residential Educational Institutions Society(Regd) conducts the Examination that was Common Entrance Test-CET for SSC or 10th Class completed candidates. The Telagnana State Residential Junior Colleges(TSRJC) offers the courses courses in Intermediate as MPC, BiPC, MEC, CEC, EET & CGT course. Telagnana State residential educational institution society located at Hyderabad and every year announced the notification for the candidates.
Telangana State Residential Educational Institutions Society(Regd) - TSREIS Hyderabad has released the TSRJC CET - Telangana State Residential Junior Colleges Common Entrance Test Hall Tickets and TSRDC CET - Residential Degree Colleges Common Entrance Test Hall Tickets on 01-05-2015(01st May 2015). TSREIS Hyderabad will conduct the TSRJC CET & TSRDC CET Exam on 10th May 2015 at 10.00 am to 12.00 pm. Now all applied candidates can download TSRJC CET & TSRDC CET Hall Tickets 2015.
Large number of candidates are applied for these Exams. All those applicants can download TSRJC CET & RDC CET Hall Tickets 2015. TSRJC CET 2015 Exam is for admission into Intermediate First Year in Telangana State Residential Junior Colleges & TSRJC Nagarjuna Sagar for the academic year 2015-16.
TS-RJC-CET-2015-RDC-CET-2015-Hall-Ticket-Download |
Telangana State Residential Educational Institutions Society(Regd) - TSREIS will conduct the RDC CET 2015 Exam for admission into Telangana State Residential Degree College Nagarjunasagar(Men) & Silver Jubilee Govt. College(Men) Kurnool for the academic year 2015-16. Candidates who have applied for TSRJC/ TSRDC Common Entrance Test can download the hall ticket from website from 01th May to 9th May 2015 only. No duplicate hall ticket will be issued by the CET’s organizing committee.
TSRJC, TSRDC Entrance Test 2015 Hall Tickets Download | Telagnana RJC CET, Telagnana RDC CET 2015 hall tickets :
As the Hall Tickets and the Call letters will be sent by post only, the department or the board is not responsible if there is any delay in the hall ticket or for the non-receipt of the Hall Tickets due to any further reasons. In case, if the call letters doesn’t come to the candidates due to any reason the candidate can also be download in any of their official website which are given below. The Hall tickets of Telagnana RJC CET and RDC CET 2015 can able to download from the time they finished the submission of applications.Download Your Hall Tickets in the links given below.
TSRJC CET & RDC CET 2015 Hall Tickets - CLICK HERE (Available Download Now..)